Vision and Mission
To become a renounced concrete institute in the Asia Pacific region.
- To promote the study and promote relationships and better understanding amongst the professionals in the concrete technological field.
- To facilitate the exchange of information and views, to collect and disseminate information pertaining to concrete technology development as well as other professionals in the concrete design, production, inspection and testing.
- To promote, establish and maintain a high ethical standard amongst the public and the industry engaged in professional concrete technology practices.
- To protect the mutual interests of the professional concrete technology practitioners.
- To promote and maintain a high quality concrete production system in the market through product conformity certification.
- To communicate with Government Departments and professional bodies in relation to the concrete technology development.
- To participate in research and development in relation to the concrete technology development .
- To produce such written materials as may be thought desirable for the promotion of the interests of the Institute and to disseminate this material as appropriate.
- To print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, journals, books, papers, circulars, or leaflets that the Institute may think desirable for the promotion of its objects.